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Contextualised, inclusive, and creative approaches are needed to build resilient organisations in a time of rapid change, where all genders thrive. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce India offers this course on Gender in India for those working or who wish to work cross-border and in settings with diverse cultures.

This course examines traditional and prevalent world views, considers systemic and global trends and their effects on family and workplace dynamics.

Global and region-specific trends in the form of traditional vs modern vs post modernism intertwined with patriarchy and technocracy, power narratives, biases, stereotypes and antisocial behaviours will be examined, amongst other subjects.

The course will be interactive with open discussions. Participants will also be given short assignments, and material/references for further reflection.


You will learn:

  • To understand the interplay between community, family, and professional life in context of gender in India primarily

  • A broader view of gender issues in a global and regional context

  • To decipher systemic and individual aspects of gender discrimination in organisation and society

  • How to seek new and contextualised solutions to existing situations

  • How to effectively translate global policies to local context for diversity and inclusion


This course is offered under the Kraftsamla programme by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce India. Through Kraftsamla we address gender issues constructively and creatively in society, work towards better collaboration between men and women, empower women, and develop and provide material and training for individual and organisational learning. The Consulate General of Sweden in Mumbai is a founding partner of Kraftsamla, and together with Embassy of Sweden in New Delhi, patrons of the programme. More than 40 Swedish companies in India are currently involved in the programme.


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce India is a hub for Swedish companies in the country. Today close to 250 companies operate here, directly employing over 200,000 people and another 2.200,000 indirectly.


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce India is a member of Swedish Chambers International (SCI).​


Cost: USD 1,000 (taxes extra) 
for companies that are members of a Regional Chamber of Commerce in Sweden or a Swedish Chamber of Commerce abroad. Please mention affiliation at the time of registration.


USD 1,100 (taxes extra)

for non-members.

Fridays, March 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2023
4 sessions @2 hrs each.
9:30-11:30 CET


This is a fully online programme, hosted on the Zoom platform


Sara Larsson

Who should join?

This training is for international professionals and leaders with interest or functional responsibility for diversity and inclusion work within their organisations, and working with India and the APAC region. 

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